
www.chefsgarden.com A Source of Truly Great Food

A New Source of Truly Great Food

Dear Families,

Over the years, we have discussed what is a good diet.

Today, I would like to let you know about a source of some of the
best food in the world, right in Northern Ohio.

Many have heard me state that the answer is fairly straightforward.

The best foods are:
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains
Unfortunately, the situation can get far more complicated when
you seek foods that also are free of toxins, taste good, and
are raised in an environmentally safe process.

Today, I had the pleasure and honor to visit a truly extraordinary
farm and source of food: Chef's Garden.

Located in Huron, OH, Chef's Garden was established by the Jones
family, and in the 1980's developed an approach to growing
vegetables that has captured the attention of some of the world's
greatest chefs.

For example, Chef Alain Ducasse, is the only chef in the world to own five, five-star
restaurants. When he opened his NYC restaurant, he turned to Chef's Garden
as the place in the United States offering the best tasting vegetables.
Many of America, and the world's truly outstanding chefs insist on having their
vegetables grown at Chef's Garden.

What makes these vegetables different?
  • It turns out the soil and environment near Lake Erie are ideal for farming vegetables and herbs
  • The Chef's Garden approach uses no chemicals, no fertilizers, no manure.
  • The soil nutrients are developed over time by use of fallow technique, cover crops, and vegetable composting.
These techniques, as well as many others, create a soil that has a rich and varied
set of normally occurring soil bacteria and fungi, each critical to the development of
nutrition in each vegetable and to the development of stunning flavors.

Chef's Garden also culls the world's seed supply for outstanding varieties, many
of which date back many, many years.

For those who recoil at the mention of bacteria and fungi, keep in mind that the use
of fertilizers over the last 70 years has decreased the nutritive value of American
vegetables by 47% and rendered them essentially without flavor.

The techniques used by Chef's Garden has restored this lost nutritive value
while, at the same time, removing any and all dangerous chemicals from
these foods.

I also learned these important points regarding the safety and taste of foods you buy:

Certified organic foods. This designation reflects standards set by agencies
that do not cover all the concerns noted above. This designation has nothing to
say about whether the foods are exposed to chemicals after harvest. For example, 
pest poison could be spread on the foods during transport. Organic foods are not 
nearly as free of chemical exposure as the foods from Chef's Garden, which are 
completely chemical free from planting to delivery.

Washing is no guarantee of safety. Chemicals in the soil enter the plant, and no
amount of washing will remove them.

Foreign vegetables. Sometimes a sign that a vegetable or fruit is from an exotic
country brings to mind bucolic, safer agriculture. Beware. It more often means that
there is no, or far less, regulation on the use of chemicals. Fertilizer, pesticide, and other chemicals are actually used to a far, far greater extent outside the US.

These and other points make choosing safe and tasty food for your family like
jumping through an obstacle course!

This is what makes the food at Chef's Garden such an extraordinary resource, and within
a hundred miles of your home!

So please, I invite you to go to www.chefs-garden.com, explore the site. I do not know their
prices, but I do encourage you to take a look. There is no question this is some of the
best-tasting, safest, most nutritious food you could find.

While at the site, also check out the Veggie U, an extraordinary set of materials, seeds,
and curriculum for 4th graders that promotes good nutrition and food choices.
This great program has been offered at over 5000 classrooms across 24 states, and
is quite reasonable in cost.

Here is to healthy, great-tasting food.

Dr. Arthur Lavin

The comments contained in this electronic source of information do not constitute and are not designed to imply that they constitute any form of individual medical advice. The information provided is purely for informational purposes only and not relevant to any person's particular medical condition or situation. If you have any medical concerns about yourself or your family please contact your physician immediately. In order to provide our patients the best uninfluenced information that science has to offer,we do not accept samples of drugs, advertising tchotchkes, money, food, or any item from outside vendors.

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